Thursday, February 22, 2007

The numbers grow

We're up to 7 groups now. The 9-oh-5 Crew and Company showed up around 2pm, but they forgot a set of tent poles! Doh! Lisa ran back to her house, but the poles were nowhere to be found.

Their tent, affectionately known as The Tunt, was demolished before it was ever constructed:

But all was not lost. There were some "extra" poles that weren't linked up with string, so they began to MacGyver them together. As they were doing this, they realized that these were, in fact, the set of poles they were missing from before, but the strings holding them together broke the last time they took the tent town.

So, The Tunt is alive and well, and the group of freshmen, some of whom made that sick Final Countdown video, are now represented.

Lisa and Jill really enjoyed their Moca Javas

By the way, go to on Sunday for the game preview article that will highlight Otto's Army, as well as this blog.

Menott out.


MariusJanulisForThree said...

You're doing the lords work, boys. Go Orange.

Anonymous said...

It's hard for me to picture just where the tent city is. I understand that after the first 5 or so you have to setup away from the protection of the Dome. Can you take a picture of the "Lay of the land" so we can see the different areas the tents are in?

Menotti said...

There is no tent city at the moment, unfortunately. Last year, there were probably 6 or 7 tents going, so they had to go up on the mid level landing. This year, it hasn't been so conducive because of all the snow up there.