Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Many members of Otto's Army play Focrossketball. What's focrossketball you ask? Possibly the greatest game ever invented. The inventors? Seniors Lisa Corolla and Bagel Dilks. Focrossketball is a mix of football and lacrosse. As you can see the video, someone takes a lacrosse and throws it with a lacrosse stick across a field, in our case the Women's Building field. Then the two teams chase after the ball, starting from the same fence. You proceed to then pick up the ball and run it back to the fence, but if you are tackled by the opposing team, you must throw it backwards. You score once when you get the ball back to the fence, then repeat the process until someone needs stitches or everyone is tired. I believe this is the fourth season of focrossketball.

So without further ado, here's focrossketball.

Got any questions about this wonderful game, leave a comment.

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