Friday, September 28, 2007

Save Syracuse Swimming and Diving

Note: This post does not reflect the opinion of any particular group.

Save Syracuse Swimming

I'll make this short. It's no secret that the large majority of the athletic department's revenues come from Men's Basketball and Football. They rely heavily on those programs and I think that the lagging Football attendance is a financial stress. I'm a huge fan and I think I missed 1 or 2 games my whole career at SU in a time that the program was in bit of a swan dive, but I think athletics built an expectation of revenues from that program and didn't prepare well enough for a down time in overall attendance, so they're making swift cuts. However, they have been quite quick to spend a LOT of money changing uniforms and logos multiple times, and on a huge NYC marketing campaign.

I think we are looking for some chance to let the Swimming and Diving team meet the goals of the athletics department through alumni and other support. As a former Student Association rep, I found it extremely disrespectful that no one from the department attended the assembly meeting they were invited to a week in advance to answer questions about the cuts. I will continue to applaud the efforts of SA in defending their fellow students on this issue. I'm guilty of never attending a S&D meet, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve fair process. And before you jump on me for not offering any idea, here's one – the university is looking to spend a lot of money to replace Archbold gym, so how about building the necessary swimming facilities into it? It could be a great collaboration effort between SU athletics and the University at large.

Menotti Minutillo, Jr. '07
Co-Founder, Otto's Army
Student Association Assembly Representative, 50th Session

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Many members of Otto's Army play Focrossketball. What's focrossketball you ask? Possibly the greatest game ever invented. The inventors? Seniors Lisa Corolla and Bagel Dilks. Focrossketball is a mix of football and lacrosse. As you can see the video, someone takes a lacrosse and throws it with a lacrosse stick across a field, in our case the Women's Building field. Then the two teams chase after the ball, starting from the same fence. You proceed to then pick up the ball and run it back to the fence, but if you are tackled by the opposing team, you must throw it backwards. You score once when you get the ball back to the fence, then repeat the process until someone needs stitches or everyone is tired. I believe this is the fourth season of focrossketball.

So without further ado, here's focrossketball.

Got any questions about this wonderful game, leave a comment.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Otto's Army

Otto's Army had their first meeting of the school year tonight. For anyone that doesn't know, Otto's Army is generally a pep-club type organization mainly in charge of organizing the student section at Syracuse University sporting events. We also do charity work, organize Homecoming Activities, run the Winter Carnival, and help run Midnight Madness among other things. We are just in our second year of operation and funds are short. So alumni out there if you to help out, maybe sponser t-shirts to give out at games, or anything you think could make a difference. Either e-mail me at or the president of Otto's Army Darryl Patterson at, or just leave a comment on here.


Capital One Mascot Challenge

Otto is trailing by 100 votes early. Orange fans unite, go to the link on the right and vote for Otto.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Vote for Otto

The Capitolone Bowl Mascot Challenge is up and running again. You can vote for Otto here starting September10th. Last year Otto didn't do too well, but that needs to change.


Friday, September 7, 2007

Huskie Hell

So we've been very quiet over here at Cuseline for awhile now mainly because we have no reason to camp out for lacrosse and really football for that matter. However, we were at the Washington game, bright and early. Amy and I got to the Dome at 11 in the morning and were the first ones there. A giddy freshman by the name of Trevor, joined us at 11:45. As the day went on the crowd kept coming. The early afternoon was filled with some tossing around of a nerf football followed by some booing of Washington faithful passerbys. By 5:00 the line to get into the student section was almost out to the quad, and by gates open the line was apparently at the quad if not further. Bravo students on that one. The atmosphere in the Dome once gates opened was electric, the best i've ever seen it in my one plus year on the hill. The football team came in shortly after to greet the students and get everyone fired up. It seemed the student section might finally be back and rowdy. It was while we were still in the game, but by the second quarter, very few people past the first couple rows were cheering nonstop anymore. By the time it was 21-6, most of the students decided it was game over and left. At the end of the game I doubt there was more than about 200-300 students left. Shame on the student section. When it was 21-6 the game was clearly not over, weirding things have happened in football. (See 58-42 Louisville over Middle Tenn. State. Who saw that score coming). Overall it was a dissapointing game, hopefully down the road the students won't give up so easily. I know it has been a tough couple years, but for all the students who got to the game hours in advance, why would you leave so early in the third quarter?

And for the helluva it, because you can't get enough of the Final Countdown video.

And when it was played at the Dome
